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How to configure planned supervision

Adding planned supervision on a service recipient

  1. Navigate to the service recipient you are adding a camera to or create a new one

  2. Go to “Camera supervision”

    Skjermbilde 2024-08-06 kl. 14.17.40.png
  3. Under “Planned supervision” velg “Add event-based supervision”

    Skjermbilde 2024-07-16 kl. 09.27.14.png
  4. Choose “Planned supervision” and click next

    Skjermbilde 2024-07-16 kl. 09.28.22.png
  5. Fill inn the necessary information
    Description: Description of the supervision
    Display text: The text that is visible in the alarm card
    Alarm icon: The icon that is visible in the alarm card
    Priority: Priority of the event
    Time period: The time that the event-based supervision should be active

    Skjermbilde 2024-07-16 kl. 09.29.23.png

    Click “Add”

  6. The planned supervision is now active

    Skjermbilde 2024-07-16 kl. 09.32.18.png

Risk assessment


Risk mitigation

Residual risk

Too many planned supervisions are set to the same time

Ensure enough time between supervisions within the same zone






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