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How to configure alarm forwarding from Tellucare to Ascom

The following article covers how to configure alarm forwarding from Tellucare to Ascom. In order to forward alarms we need to have imported relevant alarm templates in Tellucare (E.g Into room, Into bed, Out of room, Out of bed), and we need to have created/imported Ascom templates for the same alarms.

  1. Log into Tellucare as Tellu Support

  2. Go to “Organisation” in the left side menu

  3. Right below the top level of the relevant institution create a new sone called “Camera alarm forwarding”. This group will be used to define alarm forwarding rules. Every patient/room that is added to Tellucare will be added to this group so that the alarms are properly forwarded.

    Skjermbilde 2024-09-18 kl. 09.52.35.png
  4. Inside the “Camera alarm forwarding” group, crate a service recipient group with a suitable name

    Skjermbilde 2024-09-18 kl. 09.55.47.png
  5. To configure the forwarding rules for this group go to the settings icon down to the right.

  6. Click the “plus” icon and fill out the necessary fields
    Destination: Choose the site that is connected to this institution.
    Incoming alarm: Choose the Tellucare alarm template for the event that you want to forward.
    Outgoing alarm: Choose the Ascom alarm template for the same event.
    ID mapping: Choose Generic ID.
    Patient alarm on fail: Choose yes. This will generate an alarm if the forwarding fails.

    Skjermbilde 2024-09-18 kl. 09.57.08.png
  7. Click create.

  8. Repeat step 6-7 until all alarms that should be forwarded is added.

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