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Best practices for using Live Privacy Shield

AXIS Live Privacy Shield makes it easy to remotely monitor activities while safeguarding privacy. The versatile, edge-based application enables compatible cameras to dynamically mask moving objects, humans, faces or the background in real time. AXIS Live Privacy Shield supports two different methods of privacy protection, AI or motion based. Live Privacy Shield

Configuration alternatives

When you first open the app this is the page where you configure how Live Privacy Shield should process anonymisation.

Skjermbilde 2024-07-19 kl. 09.25.04.png

Masking method

The anonymizarion can be based on either motions or recognization of objects (AI). Motions based will anonymise movement in the picture, and this movement can be from anything. AI based anonymisation will anonymise people when people are registered in the picture. Which technology to use depends on each specific case. We recommend to start with AI based anonymisation and see if that solves the anonymisation needs.

Skjermbilde 2024-07-19 kl. 09.26.39.png

Masking setup

The anonymization can be set-up with different sensitivities.


The sensitivity can be adjusted to change how much change is needed for anonymisation to kick in. We recommend that this is set quite low, but you should test with a person in the room to obtain the preferred amount of anonymisation:

Skjermbilde 2024-07-19 kl. 09.27.45.png

In practice, most cameras will be set to about the same sensistivity if the rooms and light conditions are similar.

Anonymization noise

High sensitivity settings will result in noise in the shape of anonymization of other objects than people!

This image does not contain any persons, only incorrect anonymization

Background merge time

The background merge time is about the room itself and how often it should default to a new “Normal”. If the merge time is 1 hour like in the example below it means that something would have to stay in the picture for 1 hours for the camera to perceive this as normal. It is recommended that this is set around an hour.

Skjermbilde 2024-07-19 kl. 09.31.29.png

When using the “Reset background” button the camera will set the current content in the picture as the new “Normal”.

Blur settings

The Blur settings are about the anonymisation blur that is added to the person in the room. They can be adjusted from small to large. You can also adjust the color of the blur. A large blur will anonymise a larger portion of the picture, and a smaller will anonymise as close to the object as possible. With a small blur it is a risk that the face of the person in the room might be slightly visible, so we recommend to put this setting a bit higher.

Skjermbilde 2024-07-19 kl. 09.36.31.png

Including and excluding areas

Customizing the anonymization in the camera view can be done in two ways; either by including or excluding particular areas in the video. By default the whole video is anonymized.

Skjermbilde 2024-07-19 kl. 09.40.14.png

Include area

The defined include areas are the only areas which are anonymized. This feature can be used if there is only a particular area that shall be anonymized while keeping the rest of the video as a clear picture.

Exclude area

The defined exclude areas are not anonymized. This feature is the opposite to the Include area feature.


AI based anonymisation

Motion based anonymisation

Motion based anonymisation at night

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