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Step by step guide for continuous supervision

As administrator

  1. Log in as administrator

  2. Go to “Organisation”

  3. Choose the relevant zone and go to equipment group where the camera that is being used for continuous supervision is placed

  4. Check that TTL is set to 80 000 (This means that the camera stream can be viewed continuously). If the TTL is 60 it means that Tellu support have to do changes to the device group.

As service responisble

  1. Log in to Tellucare as service responsible

  2. Add camera to the relevant service recipient

As service operator

  1. Log in to Tellucare as service operator

  2. Choose continuous supervision from the main menu

  3. Go to “Available cameras”

  4. Check the cameras that you want to use for continuous supervision

  5. It is now possible to continuously stream cameras

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