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How to add and remove camera from equipment group

Prior to adding the camera to the patient, necessary steps must have been taken in TelluCare. This includes creating the health provider account , creating organization zone for the patient, adding the camera to the patient’s zone, and adding the patient to the zone.


Adding camera to equipment group

  1. Log in as Tellu Support

  2. Open the customer’s account in TelluCare

  3. Select Organization

  4. Choose relevant zone (Or create one if there are none)

  5. Create an “equipment group”. Cameras will be added to this group.

    1. Name the created group with a proper name. The general advisement is to use the same name as the name of the zone. This makes it easier to differentiate the different groups if the customer has many groups.

      Skjermbilde 2024-07-22 kl. 09.19.44.png
    2. Also add «Videotilsyn TTL», the standard value is 60 which applies for planned supervision.

      Skjermbilde 2024-07-22 kl. 09.20.40.png
    3. For continuous supervision, use the value 80000. Also add «continuous» to the name.

      Skjermbilde 2024-07-22 kl. 09.22.38.png
  6. Provision the camera. This process will add the camera to selected equipment group in TelluCare thereby making it available to be added to the patient.

  7. If necessary, create patient in TelluCare and add patient to correct zone in the organization.

  8. Add camera to a service recipient

    Guide for adding camera to service recipient

Change camera equipment group

  1. Log in as service responsible

  2. Open “Camera” tab from the left menu

  3. Open the camera details

    Skjermbilde 2024-07-22 kl. 09.16.55.png
  4. Click “Edit” in the right corner

  5. Change equipment group and click save

    Skjermbilde 2024-07-22 kl. 09.18.22.png
  6. Equipment group is now changed.

Risk assessment


Risk mitigation

Residual risk

Incorrect camera is added to patient

Proper procedures to ensure that correct camera is installed for patient


Incorrect camera is removed from patient

Proper procedures for removing camera from patient





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